How to search for Holiday Cottages
As well as BeautifulCottages you can access LateComers
AdvanceBooking , HolidaymapsGo and BeautifulHotels
from this site. You can search for holiday cottages in a particular place or region
e.g. Truro or Cornwall, type the name in the search box above
or click on the map below. You can also use the box to
search for other criteria , say , properties with particular aspects e.g.
close to Beach, type in beach, moor etc. or you can search
for a date e.g 01-sep. In fact you can use any search box to search for any word appearing in the entry .
You can see the details of the holiday cottage with pictures by opening the entry. Click on the link or open book icon (see FAQ),use "the property in same place or nearby link" and if more than one, each beautiful holiday cottage will be shown in turn by using the forward and back buttons on the tool bar below the opened entry.
Click here for UK Airports.
Click here for direct access to Holidaymapsgo's regional maps from the gray links on the right of the page.
Click here to search from the UK Holiday Map.
Use the map to access Holiday Cottages in each of the regions.
Click here to Search for Late availability of all UK holiday cottages in LateComers Recent Listings
Please use the map, the regions, location or use the regional links below to show all cottages for each area in BeautifulCottages database or late availability in Recent Listings. You can filter your beautiful holiday cottage results, see link in title-bar.